Commanders, chiefs converge on Tyndall Published March 9, 2007 By Brig. Gen. Tod. D. Wolters 325th Fighter Wing commander TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Tyndall Air Force Base alumni understand that this is a great place to live. The Emerald Coast, as our area of Florida is known, is a beautiful location for recreation and mission ... and the best place for the 2007 Air Education and Training Command's Commanders and Command Chiefs' Conference. Each year, our major command hosts a conference for all its commanders and command chiefs at the wing, numbered Air Force and MAJCOM level. This year, Tyndall is fortunate enough to have nearly 110 senior AETC leaders cloister at the base for a week beginning March 11, with its theme entitled, "Building Tomorrow." Gen. William R. Looney III, AETC commander, has a simple philosophy when it comes to the purpose of this conference, and it stems from his own command's vision -- Mission First, People Always. "I want our AETC commanders and command chiefs to walk away from this conference with a sense of purpose on where we are heading as a major command, especially as we continue to focus on Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century," Gen. Looney said. "Our mission -- to develop America's Airmen today ... for tomorrow -- is critical in today's Global War on Terror, and I need our senior leadership to keep pace with information and incorporate that information into a successful campaign plan for the Airmen at their home units." The conference will conclude Friday, March 16.