Handling the ho-hums of the holiday season

  • Published
  • By 2nd Lt. Nicholas Fine
  • 47th Medical Group
If you've ever seen the movie, "Christmas Vacation," you have witnessed firsthand what stress can do to your holiday season. It seems as though Clark Griswold can't get anything to go his way. As the movie progresses, so does his stress level.

Hopefully, you will never experience the sled ride Clark did, but many of you will endure some stress this holiday season. This stress can come from shopping, preparing meals, hosting guests and even hanging those pesky strands of lights.

Here are a few helpful tips that can make your holidays more enjoyable.

1. Plan your holiday season. Allow yourself plenty of time to shop, cook, visit and do other activities. Expect long lines at stores and delays when traveling, especially if you are traveling by air.

2. Don't do everything yourself. Involve friends and family in cooking and other tasks. This allows you to spend time with them and accomplish your goals as well.

3. Take time for yourself. Block off some time in your schedule and do something you enjoy. With all of the activities going on it is easy to forget about your needs.

4. Exercise, exercise, exercise! Don't forget about your fitness. Invite your friends and family on a walk or run around the block. Working out can melt away much of that unwanted anxiety.

5. Don't overindulge. This applies to both eating and drinking. Eating too much tends to add some inches to the waistline. Drinking too much during the holidays may seem to resolve some stress, but only temporarily. Many times excessive eating and drinking can cause more stress.

If things become too overwhelming or you would just like someone to talk to,
call the base mental health clinic.