CSAF visits New York
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III and his wife, Betty, spent several days in New York City conducting media and civic engagements. On May 15, they met with 21 Airmen from the 313th and 314th Recruiting Squadrons and the Manhattan College Air Force ROTC Detachment 560. The general spoke over lunch about future Air Force capabilities, force shaping, master sergeant boards, changes to the enlisted evaluation system, sequestration impacts and the evolution of Air Force culture. Welsh stressed that recruiters play a critical role in indoctrinating new Airmen into Air Force culture and its Core Values. ABOVE – Aboard the USS Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York City are, from left: Tech. Sgt. Dana Bazile, Tech. Sgt. Gervacio Maldonado, Tech. Sgt. Jaclyn Duclos, Betty Welsh, Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Senior Airman Jazmen Davis, Tech. Sgt. Charles Goff, Senior Airman Edwar Rivas-Espinal, Senior Master Sgt. Brad Pearson, Lt. Col. John Hutcheson and Master Sgt. George Baker. (U.S. Air Force photo)