Enlisted promotion test production begins Published Sept. 24, 2014 Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- The Air Force has begun its forty fourth year of enlisted promotion test production. This year, for the 2014 promotion testing cycle, 226 promotion tests were administered to support the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) and the United States Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Promotion System. "Today's Air Force continues to ensure promotion tests are fair, valid, credible, and relevant," said Mr. Dwayne Hafer, chief of enlisted promotion test development. "So far this year, 116,716 Airmen have tested for promotion. We anticipate similar numbers for the upcoming 2015 testing cycle which begins this December." According to Mr. Hafer, the 2015 promotion cycle Enlisted Promotions References and Requirements Catalog, the source listing all study sources for both WAPS and United States Air Force Supervisory Exam examinees, is now available online at https://www.omsq.af.mil/TE/EPRRC.pdf. Also, all supporting WAPS Career Development Courses are now available at e-WORLD https://cdc.aetc.af.mil.