Master Sgt. Pablo Perez, 33rd Operations Group first sergeant, joined the Air Force as a Security Forces member but currently serves in the only job he loves more.
"I get satisfaction out of the fact that I care about my people. I’ve always liked helping people so for me this is a natural fit. I honestly don’t see it as a job. Taking care of people is something I would do everyday of the week reg...ardless of what position I was in. I feel like it’s my duty to help people."
"(The best part of my job) is the 'thank yous.' The genuine, ‘Wow! You helped me, thank you so much.’"
"Becoming a First Sgt. was my choice. I had asked to be considered as soon as possible. It’s something I have always wanted to do, since I was an A1C. My first First Sgt. ever was a chief, I felt she was there for us. She knew everybody by name, she was personable, always around and talking to her people. So I’ve always wanted to become a First Sgt. So I could be that person that everyone could know and come talk to when they needed."